Community Education House Project
My friends and I have a small project: to build an informal school and public…
My friends and I have a small project: to build an informal school and public library in a rural area on the outskirts of Karawang. The site is in Batujaya Village, Batujaya District, Karawang Regency. Children and visitors from the surrounding area can read various books and magazines, do some sports activities, play in the…
Spinach and water spinach are easy-to-grow vegetables. Sometimes, wild-grown spinach and water spinach are even more fertile than those we plant. Nevertheless, it is still better to plant spinach and water spinach to optimize the results. Here are the tips: Spinach and water spinach can generally be harvested within one month. They are suitable for…
Can you guess what kind of banana for these photos? The photo on the left is of Barangan bananas. I bought the seedlings from a certified supplier in Medan, North Sumatra, in the form of tissue culture seedlings. I purchased 100 seedlings shipped in a styrofoam box using inter-island bus delivery services. The photo on…
While taking the “Managerial Finance” course at President University with Dr. Stephanus Remond Waworuntu, I became intrigued by the discussions on whether a business plan would succeed as intended. We discuss the parameters and metrics from math calculations regarding future forecasts. It made me question whether my business idea was feasible and whether investments, business expansions, or capital…
During my college and working years, I often found myself amassing a collection of e-books in PDF format and similar types, thanks to the internet connection that allowed me to download an array of appealing titles. I’ve come to realize two negative effects of this habit. Firstly, I didn’t value the content of these books…
A few years ago, I was captivated by Stieg Larsson’s novel “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” which narrates the intriguing partnership between journalist Michael Blomkvist and a hacker named Lisbeth Salander, as they unravel a mystery together. However, what truly resonated with me wasn’t the plot’s core mystery but rather a detail about Blomkvist’s…
At first, I was annoyed with Noom. I forgot which link I clicked on, but Noom’s ads kept appearing when I opened Facebook. I ignored or skipped them multiple times until I became curious about what Noom is and whether it’s legitimate or not. After reading several reviews, I became interested in trying it. However,…
During the Arabic language learning process that I underwent for about the last 1 week, I encountered the following sentence: أين الحمام And I remembered a story from a few years ago, precisely in 2017. At that time, my family and I were performing Umrah. Zeze Vavai was 11 years old, and Vivian Aulia Zahra…
Since a week ago, I started learning Arabic through the Mondly app. Last year, I studied Spanish using the Babbel app, but stopped due to my busy college and work schedule. After starting to organize some personal projects, I began learning languages again, and this time I took a slight turn by learning Arabic. There…
A few days ago, I wrote about “Setting Minimum Limits” This is a continuation of that writing. If we intend to make changes or improvements in our lives, our habits, and our routines, we should set moderate targets. Moderate in the sense that they are not too high but also not too low. One of…