WHM/CPanel : How to Move MySQL Data Folder

Last week, I checked WHM (Web Hosting Management) server which used by this blog,  Excellent website and  Vavai.com due to an error messages regarding failed WHM update. After a few checking, it seems that root partition only left a bit free space and one of the largest folder  is var/lib/mysql which contain a MySQL server databases. Before the partition…

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VMware vSphere Tips : VMware Tools Installation on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES 11) VM

One of the most important step, but often forgotten by the user while configuring Virtual Machine on VMware vSphere are VMware tools installation and configuration. In addition to improving VM’s performance (increase the quality on VGA, network card, etc), VMware tools also useful to provide the ability on host server to restart and shut down the VM…

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VMware vSphere Tips : Create a User Account on the vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA)

As an alternative to installing vCenter Server on a Windows machine, since vSphere 5.0, Vmware provide VMware vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA). The vCenter Server Appliance is a preconfigured Linux-based virtual machine optimized for running vCenter Server and associated services. On stand alone vSphere host, we can use  vSphere client directly to connect to the vSphere…

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