WHM/CPanel Tips : How to Reset Bandwidth Usage

This morning one of our customer contact me due to an error message on his website. Instead of displaying blog content, his website display an error message : “Bandwidth limit exceeded ” . This message usually appears when the website bandwidth exceeds predetermined limit . Bandwidth usage is calculated from the total of  incoming and…

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Torrent Download via CLI/Console

When downloading large files such as Linux ISO files or backup files, I usually use the default browser download application or use wget. Unfortunately, in some case, I prefer to do download using torrent because it may faster than using wget. On Windows system, I usually use Bitorrent or uTorrent and on Linux-GUI based, Transmission is…

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Zimbra Tips : How To Secure PolicyD Web Admin

On previous article : PolicyD and Rate Limit Sending Message Implementation on Zimbra 8,  we’ve installing and configuring PolicyD to prevent spam message to go to outside network (or to came into internal network).  Zimbra based mail server without PolicyD  can be blacklisted due to spam message sent by compromised account (account got hacked by attacker)….

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VMware vSphere 5.5 Deployment Notes

VMware vSphere 5.5 has been released on November 2013 and contains some improvement compared to previous version . If you wish to try  to implement VMware vSphere version 5.5, these are some precautions especially for vSphere free edition.  vSphere Client Version Windows vSphere Client version 5.5 cannot be installed on Windows XP or Windows 2003…

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