Buy Audiobooks Online

I’m a book lover. Beside reading the books, I have various  hobby such as writing, programming and hiking but the most often are reading the books. Although I’m a book lover, I don’t like to go to the bookshop to buy some collection. The nearest bookshop is about 6 KM from my home and the…

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New Serendipity Themes : Ayumi

Yesterday, I found a nice themes while searching WordPress themes for Iin’s blog. Nurudin Jauhari’s Ayumi WordPress themes seems very nice. Slightly, simple, sophisticated and having good layout (what’s more 😀 ). I think it’s a nice idea to applied this themes into my Serendipity blog. Yes, I maintained some community blog using WordPress but…

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Installing VMWare Ver 5.5 .X on OpenSUSE 10.3

After upgrading my OpenSUSE 10.2 into OpenSUSE 10.3, I tried to completing the software in new system, such as Netbeans IDE for Java Application and VMWare Workstation for environment testing. I usually used VMWare for simulation purposes. It looks like so many people getting problems with VMWare ver 5.5.X on OpenSUSE 10.3. The problem occured…

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After a While

It’s been a while since my last post in this blog. Almost a year without an update. I occasionally updating my personal blog (in Indonesian), but rarely for this blog. There’s many things happened in my life. Surviving and growing up my IT business while facing a slow down threat from Covid-19 pandemic; Developing new…

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