Muhammad Rivai

Kidung Wahyu Kolosebo

The Kidung Wahyu Kolosebo is a Javanese song that I stumbled upon while browsing the internet. The word “Kidung” means poetry, song, or hymn, while “Wahyu” refers to a message or guidance from the heavens that is communicated by the Almighty to His servants. The word “Kolo” or “Kala” means “when,” and “Sebo” means “facing.”…

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Resistance to New Ideas

I have seen several people who try to resist progress and the development of the times. Their attitude tends to reject or belittle new things. Seeking the weakness or negativity of new things. For example, if we have an IT background, we know that one of the latest technologies is the advancement in the field…

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Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits is a book written by James Clear that explains how we can change habits, lifestyles, and other things related to our efforts to improve ourselves by doing something relatively small but habitually. For example, if we want to regularly exercise every day, we may want to be able to run 10 laps in…

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