Anyone interested to get in touch and make an initial testing with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server or SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop RC 4 but have a difficulties to used their download manager and prefer to use wget could try this simple command :
[code language=’cpp’]
wget -c –http-user=username –http-passwd=password ‘Download-Link’
Ex :
[code language=’cpp’]
wget -c –http-user=zezevavai –http-passwd=mysecretpassword ‘’
[code language=’cpp’]
wget -c –http-user=zezevavai –http-passwd=mysecretpassword ‘’
Get the user name and password by free signup into Novell website. The exact download link may vary depending user access. Try to locate the download link by visiting this page (login required) : SUSE Linux Enterprise Sneak Preview page. The download link could be found at the bottom of page.
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