Indonesian openSUSE community organized training event about Zimbra Mail Server on Saturday, December 20, 2008. It was a preliminary event for openSUSE 11.1 release party on Saturday and Sunday, December 20-21 2008.
Although there was an issue about ending of Zimbra implementation support for openSUSE on next version (Zimbra 6 Gun and Roses), I decided that it would be important to show the audience, how easy setting up openSUSE for Zimbra Mail Server.
It was our initial training. We tried to organized the training as our promotional event for openSUSE implementation at enterprise area. We also decided to make this as paid training with a small fee. The decision have 2 advantage, both for us and for the audience. The audience get the cheap but integrated training, provided by our professional instructor (me and my colleagues 😛 ), step by step tutorial and a set of bonus package. Package contains openSUSE 10.3 DVD, openSUSE 11.1 DVD, Zimbra tutorial on openSUSE (printed version) and Zimbra CD.
Our benefit is about promotional of openSUSE, popularity of our community and some donation cash for our project. We planned for about 20 registrant and we got 33 registrant that give us IDR 8.250.000,- of cash, equivalent with US$ 825 (1 US$ estimated on IDR 10.000,-) . This make us happy because we have cash money for funding next event 🙂
We used openSUSE 10.3 as base installation for Zimbra mail server and give special attention about new feature on openSUSE 11.1. This is our strategy for attractive new user. While we push them for openSUSE implementation on their server (Zimbra doesn’t work on openSUSE 11.0 adn 11.1 due to Perl issue), we also push them to used latest version of openSUSE for their purposes and for daily usage.
Alhamdulillah, there are no obstacles in its implementation. I got an enthusiast response from the audience. The training planned for 4 hours and divided for 2 session but we have an extra 2 hours because there were a hot discussion after training.
Complete report and coverage of this event can be read on our website (in Indonesian, got the Google translate if you wish to read 🙂 ) as follows:
Indonesian openSUSE Community : Zimbra Mail Server Training

With so many work from home offers out there I am incredibly happy to find one that works! I only paid for shipping and handling and am now making $500 a day!
With so many work from home offers out there I am incredibly happy to find one that works! I only paid for shipping and handling and am now making $500 a day!
I would like to know if you can publish the tutorial for Zimbra running on OpenSuse 10 RC1 on your website?
I would be needing this with one of my application, my application saves data thru MySQL and I would like an auto sending of mail if triggered.
I’m a novice on Zimbra and your tutorial will definitely help. Or can you send it thru my email?
Thank you very much!
Onin from Philippines.
I would like to know if you can publish the tutorial for Zimbra running on OpenSuse 10 RC1 on your website?
I would be needing this with one of my application, my application saves data thru MySQL and I would like an auto sending of mail if triggered.
I’m a novice on Zimbra and your tutorial will definitely help. Or can you send it thru my email?
Thank you very much!
Onin from Philippines.