Do you want to upgrade your Windows into OpenSUSE ? Install
ing OpenSUSE into existing Windows system without changes BIOS start up ? Well, OpenSUSE 10.3 has been launched on October 04, 2007 with so many nice feature, one of the nice feature is Instlux. Instlux will helped you to upgrade your windows to openSUSE with the easiest possible way : running an installer on your Windows. Do not worry any more about configuring your system to boot from a CDROM/DVDROM.
What is Instlux ? Instlux is a collaborative project hosted on sourceforge that automates the Linux installation on a Windows system. Instlux is a software that lets a windows user start installing openSUSE from Windows, without configuring the BIOS, and by clicking "next". Currently, Instlux supported 2 distros only Currently, Instlux only support 2 distros, another one is Ubuntu.
If your system getting crazy slow with so many viruses, trojan horse or another security threat, try OpenSUSE! If you have limited internet connection and the connection seems to always active without activity, be aware that your system has been infected and the trojan tried to upload or download on the background.
So, what’s the different between installing OpenSUSE with and without Instlux ? If you installing OpenSUSE without Instlux, you must changes BIOS start up with your installation media in the first option. OpenSUSE 10.3 with Instlux simplifies this task. Run your Windows system, insert your OpenSUSE CD or DVD and the installation process will be automatically launched and started.
Instlux has been translated into 20 languages, including Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian). Look at the sceenshot of OpenSUSE 10.3 installation from Windows XP box.
Give it the try and find out how nice this feature 😀
Once done with 1z0-042, one can go about any course, whether it is the basic 650-178, or the much more higher 70-536. Unlike this, N10-003 alone is not enough before attempting 70-294 or even 70-293. Going for 156-215 instead would be a much more better option.
kok upgrading istilahnya..??
berarti windows nya ilang opo?
Istilah “upgrade” maksudnya menjadikan si OpenSUSE sebagai pilihan pertama. Pada dasarnya secara default OpenSUSE akan membiarkan Windows tetap ada, kecuali kita memang ingin menggantinya.
Kata “upgrade” lebih dimaksudkan sebagai “ganti dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik”, hehehe…
sip sip..
haha… cek ricek lagi ….
kalo ada linux makin mirip MAC, makin cinta gue
kalo make Mac beneran gimana? 😛
btw linux yg diinstal ditaro di partisi baru ato di dalem image aja kaya Wubi?
tak dandani maneh bahasa inggrise yo 😛
1. Installing OpenSUSE into existing Windows system without changes BIOS start up ?
==> * Install * OpenSUSE into existing Windows system without changes BIOS start up ?
2. Instlux will helped you to upgrade
==> Instlux will * help * you to upgrade
3. Currently, Instlux supported 2 distros only,
==> Currently, Instlux * only support * 2 distros
4. the installation process will be automatically launch and start.
==> the installation process will be automatically * launched * and * started *.
5. including Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian).
==> No need to put Indonesian in the bracket, as Bahasa Indonesia is already a name of our language
6. find out how nice this feature
==> find out how nice the feature is.
Apakah maksudnya openSuse 10.3 akan secara otomatis membuat menu GRUB saat booting? Sehingga ada pilihan untuk memakai openSUSE atau Win XP?
Secara ini saya suka sekali grafis dari GNOME yang baru di 10.3 ini. Saya juga pakai 10.2? Bagaimana updatingnya? Proses yang dibutuhkan berapa lama? Nga kuat nih kalo donlod nya bisa sampe berjam2.. thx semuanya.
Ya, betul sekali pak. Instlux pada dasarnya melakukan instalasi grub dalam bentuk menu “OpenSUSE 10.3 installer”.
Saya belum pernah coba upgrade dari 10.2 ke 10.3 karena terakhir saya langsung melakukan clean install. Jika bapak memiliki DVD OpenSUSE 10.3 (yang tentu lebih lengkap daripada CD OpenSUSE 10.3 versi Gnome) semestinya tidak akan banyak yang dibutuhkan dari internet, asalkan sudah dipastikan repositori yang dipakai adalah repo dari DVD.
Well done boss… Untuk yang bahasa Indonesia saya biarkan karena kalau si boss coba sendiri pasti tahu alasannya 😉
Ya, betul. Daripada cari Linux mirip Mac (bisa pakai KDE themes sih 😉 ) akan lebih enak pakai Mac beneran, hehehe…
Ini diinstall di partisi baru boss, jadi nantinya dual boot.
Oh.. kalo gitu kalo saya cari DVD Repo openSUSE 10.3 itu bisa update ver 10.2 punya saya nga? I mean nantinya GNOME look desktop nya dan icon. dll bisa langsung otomatis diupgrade. Atau masakan saya perlu fresh install dari awal ? Thanx..
Karena saya belum pernah coba langsung saya belum bisa jawab pak, tapi dari posting email di milis, proses upgrade ini tidak ada masalah. Sebaiknya bapak backup dulu konfigurasi penting dan profilenya.
wahh.. perlu di coba nih… tapi untuk skrg sy coba pake VMware kantor aja deh… leptopnya masih punya kumpeni soalnya….
(Agak telmi…..) Mau nanya Pak, apa driver2 hardwarenya juga harus ngeset ulang???
apa iya
numpang tanya mas.
gimana caranya uninstall opensuse yang udah terinstall dari windows tadi.
soale saya ud install opensuse 10.03 langsyung dari windows, ternyata dia ngambil partisi yg di drive C. sedangkan saya ingin instalasi ada di drive D yg sisa space nya masih banyak.
mohon bantuannya yah