I’m quite satisfied with the quality of KDE 4.1.3 on openSUSE 11.1. Yes, I’ve read complain about KDE 4 here and there but I just an ordinary end user with a relatively general purpose using KDE 4 for daily usage. BTW, I also installed some KDE 3.5 basic utility for special purpose if I’m not really enjoy new replacement app.
With the satisfaction of KDE 4.1.3 on openSUSE 11.1 which bring some KDE 4.2backported app , I’m not really interested with KDE 4.2 beta until a friend of mine, Andi Sugandi and Edy Purwanto show their KDE 4.2 desktop at openSUSE-ID hackfest event. While it was still beta, it looks attractive and promises beautiful desktop.
So, I’m trying to update my own KDE 4.1.3. I took a-relatively-hard way to get the KDE 4.2 installed.
- Add the core, extra and community repositories and refresh
[code language=’cpp’]
zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/UNSTABLE:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.1/ kde4-unstable
zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/UNSTABLE:/Extra-Apps/openSUSE_11.1/ kde4-extra
zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Community/openSUSE_11.1_KDE4_UNSTABLE_Desktop/ kde4-community
zypper ref
[/code] - Upgrade package unconditionally with YAST (it would be with zypper, zypper up -t package -r repos-name, CMIIW)
The upgrade process complaining some dependencies problem and I resolved this by remove any dependencies issue suggested by YAST. Wait a moment until YAST finished it’s task. Log out and then log in.
The first problem appeared. Every time I click Geeko icon on Start Menu (yes, I still get green Chameleon as Kick off menu even after installing KDE 4.2), the desktop suddenly crash, white blank screen and I must press CTRL+ALT+Backspace twice to go back to the login screen.
Searching with Google, I found same problem on openSUSE forum but it was anunresolved problem. It seems I got incomplete upgrade, so I looking for another choice, searching one-click install. I found it on Extra repo. You may download it here. openSUSE will automatically launch YAST one-click-install wizard.
I choose restart the PC after installer finished successfully. Login again and now KDE 4.2 run smoothly.
- Default Menu, See Kick of Menu with KDE button because the unstable package built without openSUSE Branding
- Lancelot, New Menu Style on KDE 4.2
- KDE 4.2 Cover Switch
- KDE 4.2 Cube Desktop Effect
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