Sunset Business

When I started my business and established the company in 2011, I didn’t imagine the journey would be like this. Just like climbing a mountain, if you look from below, you might think, “When will we arrive? It’s so tiring…” But if you actually do it, it feels just normal. It was tiring but worth…

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ChatGPT from OpenAI

As a new student with a rudimentary understanding of machine learning, I was truly amazed by ChatGPT’s capabilities. I no longer need to go to Google and manually search for what I want to know. I tried some queries or questions related to Machine Learning and received comprehensive answers. Because this is tutorial and step-by-step…

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Being Tired for Daily Routine

Back in 1995, after graduating from high school, I worked as a machine operator on a small factory at Cikarang Bekasi, a suburban city east Jakarta. Because of too many wasted time and as my effort to lift up my job quality, in 1996 I decided to go to a college at the night, after…

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List of Interesting Link this Week (I)

Below is a list of an interesting link I’ve read this week. Some of them are quite impressive as I’ve read in the past and looking at again this week 🙂 France’s OVH to triple spending to take on Google, Amazon in cloud computing Lessons Learned from 30 Years of Minix When House Hunting Became…

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